Friday, 12 January 2007

Update to VisitShaftesbury the Truth

We were not surprised to discover that the 'tags'* on the various VisitShaftesbury domains were switched this week to Skymarket the low cost Hosting Company used by the Website developer that has been given the contract to develop the VisitShaftesbury Website.

(I hope they get paid their agreed fee!)

We had not switched the 'tags'* when instructed as we informed the Shaftesbury and District Task Force that the VisitShaftesbury project was on hold pending payment of outstanding invoices.

We could not exercise a 'lien' over the switching of the 'tags'* so the recovery of the outstanding monies will have to resort to other means.

Oh well we must not complain our new Shaftesbury websites have attracted over 3,500 visitors in just over 2 weeks are fully W3C and Bobby approved, and have already got over 30 local businesses signed up and using the facilities offered.

Why not have a look and see for yourself?

to be continued.............

* Tags control where a particular website is 'controlled and hosted'